Python Casting

In Python, casting allows you to convert one data type to another. This can be essential when you need to specify or convert the type of a variable. Python, being an object-oriented language, uses classes to define data types, including its primitive types. Casting is achieved using constructor functions which are built into Python.

Types of Casting

Here are the primary casting functions in Python:

  • int() – Converts a number or string to an integer. This function can turn integer literals, float literals (by removing the decimal part), or string literals (if the string represents a whole number) into integers.
  • float() – Converts a number or string to a float. It can transform integer literals, float literals, or string literals (if the string represents a float or an integer) into floats.
  • str() – Converts a number or other data types to a string. This function can handle string literals, integer literals, and float literals.

Examples of Casting

Integer Casting

To convert various types to integers, you can use the int() function:

x = int(1)     # x will be 1
y = int(3.8)   # y will be 3 (decimals are removed)
z = int("34")   # z will be 34

Float Casting

To convert different values to floats, use the float() function:

x = float(1)     # x will be 1.0
y = float(5.8)   # y will be 5.8
z = float("6")   # z will be 6.0
w = float("7.23") # w will be 7.23

String Casting

To convert other types to strings, use the str() function:

x = str("x1")  # x will be 'x1'
y = str(4)        # y will be '4'
z = str(5.0)      # z will be '5.0'

Casting is a powerful tool in Python that allows you to manage and manipulate data effectively. By understanding and using these functions, you can ensure your variables are of the correct type for your needs.

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